Central Sulawesi

Government Web 

Central Sulawesi (Sulawesi Tengah abbreviated as Sulteng) is a province of Indonesia located in the centre of Sulawesi. It was established on 13 April 1964.

Central Sulawesi has an area of 68,033 km2 (26,268 sq mi)[citation needed] and is surrounded by Gorontalo in the north, South Sulawesi and South East Sulawesi in the south, Maluku in the east, and the Makassar Strait in the west.

The Central Sulawesi province is divided into 10 regencies and one municipality. Palu is the province's capital. Major cities are: Ampana, Banggai, Bungku, Buol, Donggala, Kolonodale, Luwuk, Parigi, Poso, Toli-toli.

Sulawesi Tengah recorded some 2,633,420 people in the decennial 2010 census, of which 1,349,225 are male. It grew 1.94% annually from the last census.


    * Minimum temperatures: 19.80- 22.60°C

    * Maximum temperatures: 34.00- 37.00°C

    * Humidity: 78 - 83%

Natural Environment

In the highlands several kilometres south of Palu, the Lore Lindu National Park was established. It is one of the little disturbed core areas of the global Wallacea biodiversity "hotspot".


There are over 400 granite megaliths in the area of the Lore Lindu National Park, of which about 30 represent human forms. They vary in size from a few centimetres to ca.4.5 metres (15 ft). The original purpose of the megaliths is unknown.[2] Other megaliths are in form of large pots (Kalamba) and stone plates (Tutu'na). Various archaeological studies have dated the carvings from between 3000 BC to 1300 AD. (Source: Wikipedia)